a new work by Ermira Goro and Hannes Langolf
Premiere: 1-2 April 2017, Main Stage, Onassis Cultural Centre - Athens
DANDELION is the first joint work of established artists Hannes Langolf and Ermira Goro. After 9 years of performing together, this work marks a departure point towards artistic collaboration as directors.
Their shared passion is to create meaningful work that sits in the subtle space between reality and metaphor, closely connected to life and its stories.
This production mixes imagery and physicality with the aim to magnify fleeting moments of inner conflict and explores our constant human quest for joy, liberation, ease and happiness.
It reveals experiences of our anxiety to change, our fear to leap into the unknown and our trepidation to exist in a changing world where human connection becomes more
and more elusive.
Concept-Direction: Ermira Goro, Hannes Langolf
Choreography: Hannes Langolf, Ermira Goro & the performers
Performers: Ermira Goro, Hannes Langolf, Dimitra Mertzani, Rafael Pardillo, Antonis Stamopoulos,
Alexandros Stavropoulos, Andi Xhuma
Set & Costume Design: Christos Delidimos
Music Composition: Coti K.
Lighting Design: Richard Godin
Assistant to the Directors: Dimitris Koutsoubas
Choreography Support: Nikos Kalogerakis
Research support: Juliet Knight, Will Thompson, Charlotte McLean, Amy Bell, Emma Bonnici, Sean Marcs
Research Associate Producer: Lia Prentaki
Executive Production: Konstantinos Sakkas
Production Management: Delta Pi
This show is produced and supported by:

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